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Little Nightmares 2 Release Date Announced, Haunting Gameplay Trailer Unveiled During Gamescom

Gamescom's Opening Night Live gave us our first in-depth look at Little Nightmares 2 gameplay.


During the Gamescom Opening Night Live stream, developer Tarsier Studios unveiled a brand-new trailer for the horror puzzle-platformer Little Nightmares 2.

The new trailer showed suitably creepy imagery and platforming challenges, as the heroes sneaked across creaky floorboards, ran across rooftops, and avoided shadowy threats. This all came along with a release date of February 11, 2021, with next-gen versions coming sometime later in 2021. This represents a soft delay out of the 2020 release window.

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Now Playing: Little Nightmares 2 Gameplay Trailer | Gamescom 2020

We were able to get our hands on Little Nightmares 2 and will have preview coverage of the game up soon.

Announced at last year's Gamescom, Little Nightmares 2 is the sequel to the critically acclaimed platformer Little Nightmares. While the first title had you playing as Six, the sequel puts you in control of the brown paper bag-wearing Mono, with Six being controlled by the AI.

Gamescom is set to run from August 27-30 and will be chock full of announcements, reveals, and trailers. Be sure to check out all our coverage of this year's convention for the latest happenings, including our roundup of Gamescom Opening Night Live's biggest announcements.

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