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Madden NFL 10 AFL throwback pack snapping Sept. 24

Madden NFL is a perennial tent-pole release for Electronic Arts, so it comes as no surprise that the publisher will be loading up the annualized gridiron sim with downloadable content. Today, EA announced the AFL Legacy Pack, an add-on that commemorates the 50th anniversary of the American Football...


Madden NFL is a perennial tent-pole release for Electronic Arts, so it comes as no surprise that the publisher will be loading up the annualized gridiron sim with downloadable content. Today, EA announced the AFL Legacy Pack, an add-on that commemorates the 50th anniversary of the American Football League.

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EA's AFL add-on updates the core Madden NFL 10 game with a host of throwback uniforms, markings, and logos from the league's eight original teams. The add-on pack also outfits referees in classic orange-striped uniforms, while the game's graphics take on a '60s-era broadcast aesthetic.

Teams specifically affected by the pack are the Buffalo Bills, Denver Broncos, Kansas City Chiefs (as the Dallas Texans), New England Patriots (as the Boston Patriots), New York Jets (as the Titans of New York), Oakland Raiders, San Diego Chargers, and Tennessee Titans (as the Houston Oilers).

The AFL Legacy Pack will be available for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on September 24 for $6.99 (MSP 560). For more information, check out GameSpot's previous coverage of Madden NFL 10.

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