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Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite Characters Revealed In New Trailer

Infinite will feature 30 playable characters at launch, with more to come.


A lengthy new trailer for Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite has come online, revealing some new characters. And if you've ever wanted to see Resident Evil's Nemesis being hit with a release German suplex, have I got the video for you.

Dubbed the full story trailer, this video sets up the conflict that awaits in Infinite's story mode. It shows off Ultron Sigma as the game's primary villain, which we already knew about. But it also teases how a disagreement over how to deal with him pits characters like Iron Man and Captain America against each other.

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Now Playing: Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite - Full Story Trailer

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While devoid of any actual gameplay, the trailer does reveal characters like Ghost Rider and Dormammu. These had been previously confirmed for the game but had not yet been shown off. There's also a glimpse of Spider-Man in a black outfit. Most importantly, it looks like Chun-Li's weird face has been fixed.

New details on Ghost Rider and Dormammu, as well as Firebrand and Jedah, will be revealed next week as part of Gamescom. These four bring the roster to 30 characters that will be included at launch, Capcom confirmed in a press release. More will also be added following release, which is slated for September 19 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. You can see all of Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite's characters in our gallery. Capcom has also confirmed the full list of Infinite's game modes.

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