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Mason 'mason' Venne considering retirement following TI4's conclusion

The 22-year old replacement for EG's Clinton 'Fear' Loomis has alluded to possibly retiring after TI4 which concluded this Monday.


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Not even two months after officially joining the EG organisation, the North American carry player mason may already be on the way out of the prestigious esports organisation following their 3rd place finish at TI4, earning the squad a total of $1,000,000 as well as the highest placing of any non-Chinese teams in attendance.

Venne, who already started filling in for EG's original carry player Fear in late March this year was initially only brought on-board to aid the team in the ongoing tournaments they were competing in, which included the Starladder XI qualifiers, as well as the first season of MLG TKO North America and the joinDOTA League.

Loomis was scheduled to return to the team at the time of the Starladder XI LAN finals in Kiev, Ukraine. But after the Free to Play star's condition didn't improve, Mason was brought onboard officially on June 10th.

Since mason joined EG he helped the team reach five top 3 finishes in online and offline competition, which earned EG a total of roughly $1,100,000.

Photo Credit: ESL, GosuGamers

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