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Microsoft discontinues SideWinder peripherals

The publisher's line of PC gamepads and joysticks is being phased out due to lack of demand.


Microsoft has informed us that it has discontinued the SideWinder line of gaming peripherals, which included joysticks, gamepads, racing wheels, and a voice communicator. A Microsoft representative said the decision is a result of the continued decline in sales of all PC game controllers and the fact that most PC games are designed specifically to be controlled with a mouse and keyboard. The most recent SideWinder products may still be available in retail stores in the coming months, but Microsoft has been working to discount products to help sales partners move remaining stock.

The SideWinder line debuted in 1996, when Microsoft was putting a great deal of effort into developing Windows 95 as a gaming platform. Its disappearance won't affect Microsoft's PC peripheral efforts in other areas, as the company is still moving to expand its popular line of keyboards and mice, and it has a new line of broadband networking products. The company will continue its efforts to support third-party gaming peripherals in Windows. Microsoft's representative for SideWinder didn't have any information about a project to design a standard PC gamepad mentioned to usin March by Dean Lester, who heads up Microsoft's Windows Graphics and Gaming division.

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