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Midway's MK4 Packs A Punch

The N64 version has come a long way since we saw it a few weeks back. The PS version stays smooth.


Midway came by the offices Wednesday with the first PlayStation version of Mortal Kombat 4, and a new rev for the Nintendo 64.

The N64 version has come a long way since we saw it a few weeks back. In fact, Midway tells us it's now about 60 percent complete (last time we saw it, it was at 15).

Most of the special effects are now in the game (see the screenshots). It was moving at a brisk 30 fps, except when Sub-Zero and Raiden were on the screen (their lightning and smoke effects were causing slowdown), and Midway reports that it'll soon be up to 60.

The PlayStation version of MK4 doesn't have the graphical sheen of the N64 rev, but it still looks pretty nice. The current build crashes quite often, and it's missing most of the fatalities, but you can still get a good sense of the gameplay. It seems dead on. The game suffer little from much slowdown, and the CD quality voices and music sound impressive.

Mortal Kombat 4 for the N64 and PlayStation is planned for a June 23 release. Fans of the Mortal Kombat series should check out early Friday afternoon for a special treat.

And see the next story for more on what Midway will be releasing this year.

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