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Minecraft Legends, An Action Strategy Game, Coming In 2023 To Xbox, PC

A strategy spin-off is the latest Minecraft game hitting consoles, PC, and cloud.


A Minecraft real-time strategy game titled Minecraft Legends was officially announced during the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase, further expanding a universe that already includes narrative adventure and dungeon-crawling spin-offs.

Minecraft Legends is a 3D action game with real-time strategy elements. The gameplay featured a hero character controlled in third-person, with smaller troops following behind them. There were also sections that showed off some base building elements, although it looked very different from building in Minecraft.

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Now Playing: Minecraft Legends Trailer | Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase 2022

Revealed in a blog post on the Xbox Wire, Minecraft Legends sees the Piglin invade from the Nether, so players will have to team up with some familiar friends and mobs to work together to fend off the invasion. The game will also have an online co-op for the campaign, as well as a competitive online mode. Minecraft Legends is coming to Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, and PC in 2023.

Since being purchased by Microsoft several years ago, the Minecraft brand has only gotten bigger. Alongside continued updates to the main game across both its Bedrock and Java versions, we've seen Minecraft Dungeons come to practically every platform, including the arcade. Both Minecraft and Minecraft Dungeons are available now on Xbox Game Pass.

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