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Minecraft With RTX Is Now Live On PC

You can download Minecraft with lovely ray-tracing effects now from the Microsoft Store.


Minecraft with RTX is now available for all Windows 10 players. You can download it and still play games with players on other platforms while enjoying the visual improvements that RTX brings to the table.

The feature has been available via an official beta since April, but now it's available in the main Minecraft client. Microsoft and Nvidia are releasing two new worlds that are compatible with RTX to celebrate.

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Now Playing: Minecraft Is Breathtaking With RTX Turned On

"Using the power of ray tracing and Physically Based Rendering, you can build incredible scenes with lighting, shadows and effects running at previously-unseen levels of detail and accuracy," reads a post on Nvidia's official site. "Helping you craft wondrous worlds that'll make jaws drop."

Nvidia worked with two creators to "demonstrate the possibilities of Minecraft’s ray tracing" by releasing new worlds that players can download in Minecraft's Marketplace. The first is a recreation of Rome's Colosseum while the second, unreleased world is a dungeon crawler set in a "beautiful medieval countryside." You can see images of each world with and without RTX on Nvidia's site.

Mojang released Minecraft Star Wars DLC last month. It includes Baby Yoda, other content from The Mandalorian, as well as characters and content from A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. You can purchase it at the Marketplace for 1340 minecoins (roughly $8).

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