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Monster Hunter Characters and Dungeon Come To Puzzle And Dragons Today

You can tackle Monster Hunter enemies with a Monster Hunter character in the mobile game.


Monster Hunter is coming to the popular mobile game Puzzle & Dragons, developer GungHo Online announced today. The collaboration launches today and includes Monster Hunter characters, enemies, a multiplayer dungeon, and a campaign to the game.

The biggest addition is that of the multiplayer dungeon, which allows three players to team up and take on a Monster Hunter-themed campaign. It includes several new enemies from the Monster Hunter games, and it features battles ranging in difficulty from Intermediate to Ultra G.

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In addition, the collaboration includes two new playable characters. You get the Male Hunter immediately upon logging in, and you can earn the Female Hunter by clearing part of the dungeon. According to a press release, these characters can also be strengthened by "performing an Ultimate Evolution using the material items from the Monster Hunter Collab dungeons." You can also simply buy the characters with its in-game currency.

If you've reached Rank 50 in Puzzle & Dragons, you'll also get a free pull on the Monster Hunter Egg Machine, which grants one random monster from the collaboration.

The crossover pack launches today, and it's a limited-time event that ends on July 23. You can download Puzzle & Dragons from the iOS App Store or the Google Play Store. In other Monster Hunter news, Monster Hunter: World was announced at E3 2017 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. You can read more about it here.

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