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More Dreamcast Rayman 2 Screens

You've asked for them, so we're delivering - check out our freshly grabbed screens of Ubi's Rayman 2 for the Dreamcast.


If you've had the chance to try or actually buy Rayman 2, you know that Ubi Soft's armless and legless character's newest adventure is one of the most innovative 3D platformers to arrive since Super Mario 64 - the game is that good. Well, if you have a shiny new Dreamcast, you'll soon have the option to join the ranks of elated N64 owners who already have this knockout title. Oozing class and sophistication despite the cutesy premise, Rayman 2 is an epic adventure that stays on the right side of cute, and it is never cloying like some of Rare's more saccharine games. Kindred in spirit to Namco's Klonoa, Rayman 2 for the Dreamcast will feature and expanded version of the introductory sequence found on the N64 version. The intricately sublime techno soundtrack will now be generously wrapped in Dolby Surround Sound, which will no doubt please gamers with hard-core sound systems.

The game runs in resolutions that the N64, even with the 4MB RAM Pak, couldn't possibly reach. The frame rate has also been upped to hang around the 60fps realm on a fairly consistent basis, although it does dip a little when Rayman enters large environments. There is still time for Ubi Soft to optimize the game, as the version we played was only 75 percent done. We'll have a full preview coming soon. In the meantime, take a peek at these gorgeous screens, which capture Rayman in his lush, 3D environments.

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