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More Worms dig into PSP, DS

THQ announces Worms: Open Warfare 2 for PSP, DS coming this summer; game sees worms battling it out in re-creations of historical battles.


Though they have no legs, Team 17's Worms sure don't have any problem getting around. The long-running franchise from the West Yorkshire, UK, studio is growing once again, as THQ has announced Worms: Open Warfare 2 for the PlayStation Portable and DS.

The game sees the wiggly characters battling each other against the backdrop of historical battles such as World War II and of fictional futuristic settings featuring laser-shooting spaceships. The series' trademark arsenal of silly weapons will be featured as well, with such devices as the super sheep and the holy hand grenade.

Gamers can fight solo through a new single-player campaign or take it to their friends in one of the many multiplayer modes, such as deathmatch, rope race, and fort. The Worms Web site will feature leaderboards for those who play online, and customization of the critters has been expanded with team flag editors, a selection of victory dances, and plenty of hats.

Worms: Open Warfare 2 has not yet been rated. For more information, head over to the game's official Web site.

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