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Mortal Kombat's Ed Boon Is Promising A Tease For...Something

Ed Boon has promised that a tease is coming, but we're not sure what for.


There are some game developers who can make news happen with a single cryptic sentence, tweeted out to a huge follower base, designed to rile up the imagination. One such developer is Ed Boon, the co-creator of Mortal Kombat and Injustice, who runs fighting game developer NetherRealm Studios.

Following the success of Mortal Kombat 11 and Injustice 2, Boon has promised a tease for something is on the horizon. You can see his tweet below, and start speculating.

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Now Playing: Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath - Official Launch Trailer

Could the studio be gearing up to tease new Mortal Kombat 11 DLC? PS5 and Xbox Series X versions? Perhaps Injustice 3? It's unclear. But the Mortal Kombat Twitter account responded, and with Mortal Kombat 11 proving so popular (and still selling incredibly well) we're leaning more towards one of the first two options.

There's also a question of where we might see a tease. Gamescom 2020 has just wrapped up, and the next big show is the Tokyo Game Show in late September, where we'll see more of Resident Evil Village and many other titles. It's also possible that we'll see a tease during PAX Online, which runs from September 12-20.

Admittedly, this is all speculation--we'll have to wait and see what is teased, and when.

Mortal Kombat recently grew with the Aftermath expansion, which added three new characters (Sheeva, Fujin, and Robocop) and a new campaign.

There have been rumors abounding that AT&T has been looking to sell WB Games, the publisher of Mortal Kombat and Injustice. However, that now seems unlikely.

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