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Murdered: Soul Suspect launching after March 2014

Square Enix's Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC game gets release window.


Mystery action game Murdered: Soul Suspect will launch after March 2014, a Square Enix representative told GameSpot today.

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Square Enix's confirmation of the game's release date comes after the title was left off the company's list of upcoming games today as part of its latest earnings report.

It turns out, the list of games--including Thief and Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII--only featured title that will release by March 2014.

According to the Square Enix representative, Murdered: Soul Suspect remains on track for a 2014 release, though no specific date has been announced.

The game was previously announced with an "early 2014" release date.

Murdered: Soul Suspect is set in Salem, Massachusetts, the location of the Salem witch trials in 1692, which saw public executions of those convicted of witchcraft. During his investigation, O'Connor must interrogate the ghosts of Salem to learn more about his killer.

Murdered: Soul Suspect is currently in development at Airtight Games (Quantum Conundrum, Dark Void) for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC.

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