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NCAA Football 10: TeamBuilder Fixes and Dynasty DLC Update

NCAA Football 10's road to release has been a rollercoaster so far. For every bit of good news, such as the release of the free-to-use TeamBuilder tool for creating schools from scratch, there's been a disappointing flipside, like significant roster problems in the game, or the news that...


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NCAA Football 10's road to release has been a rollercoaster so far. For every bit of good news, such as the release of the free-to-use TeamBuilder tool for creating schools from scratch, there's been a disappointing flipside, like significant roster problems in the game, or the news that we broke last week regarding microtransaction DLC in the game's offline and online dynasty modes. Today comes good news on all fronts: It seems that the NCAA team is listening to the considerable fan feedback that's come as a result of this news and are looking to make some changes.

First up are some fixes and improvements to the TeamBuilder tool which, according to EA, has been used to create more than 80,000 teams so far. The biggest change is the ability to make the background of a created logo transparent, thus removing the white box that have previously surrounded created logos. In addition, you'll also be able to save an image of your created school so you can e-mail it and share it with friends. Other improvements and fixes, straight from the development team:

• Search results will now display 150 schools on the first search and after the next page it will query for the next 150
• Added page titles to the browser so when you go to a specified page the page title will update with the page name (e.g. TeamBuilder Browse Schools)
o When viewing a school it will also update the title with the name of the school
• The browser will now save the history of the pages you go to in the web application so you can now use the back button
• Deep Linking was fixed with this release so you now can bookmark viewed schools for future viewing.
• Fixed a bug with the roster cutting off the last player
• Fixed a bug with my schools link not working when browsing schools
• Fixed a bug introduced with the last drop with not being able to save schools with '&' in the name
• Fixed a crash when a TeamBuilder school could not be found

Take a look below for screens of some of the new fixes. While TeamBuilder improvements are fine, the more significant issues regarding the game's problematic roster issues (such as teams having few, if any, freshman players) as well as the dynasty mode DLC are also being looked at as well. For rosters, the team is exploring an option that would place a corrected roster file on the EA Sports locker system, which users could then download. As for DLC dynasty boosts, the team is currently planning to implement a DLC toggle for dynasty mode, where a dynasty commissioner could choose to enable or disable DLC boosts. According to EA, the scheduled release for both fixes is still being discussed, but we'll be keeping up with any announced patches. Stay tuned.

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Images courtesy of EA Sports

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