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New Bushido Blade 2 Info

BB2's support characters lend a hand when you need them the most. Read up on how to find one.


New information concerning Square's sequel to VGS editors' and readers' pick for Best Fighting Game of '97 recently appeared in Japan.

Each of the 18 main characters in Bushido Blade 2 has its own story and a support character. If the player beats the second level with one of the main characters, a short event will happen before the third level where his support character will appear and lend him a hand.

If the player beats the third level with this support character, then beats all the levels in the game, he can use the support character from then on out.

While a US date has yet to be announced, the title is slated for a March 12 release in Japan.

For more information, check out the VGS preview of the game.

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