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New DK Dota 2 roster announced

Burning returns as a coach


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Team DK has announced their new roster for the rest of the 2014 calendar year. After less than expected results with their star studded line up, DK have opted to try a different route heading into the latter half of this year.

The new roster will be a mix of new and experienced players,The roster is composed of: Chen 'CTY' Tianyu, the former mid player for Vici Gaming, Rising Stars and HyperGloryTeam among others; Xue 'DreamyU' Zhuorui the former position 5 player of Dream Time.NGC; Hanci 'hanci' Huang, the former captain of CNB China and two new players Li 'qian' Wenyao and Long Xu 'Kun' Kun.

The team will be coached by none other than the legendary Xu 'BurNing' Zhilei who will be hoping to assist the team to glory.

New DK.Dota 2 roster:

Chen 'CTY' Tianyu
Xue 'DreamyU' Zhuorui
Hanci 'hanci' Huang
Li 'qian' Wenyao
Long Xu 'Kun' Kun
Xu 'BurNing' Zhilei (coach)

Source: DK QQ

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