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New Dragon Age details emerge

BioWare's all-new new fantasy RPG will feature different single- and multiplayer campaigns


When it announced its E3 lineup last week, BioWare revealed its all-new, all-original PC role-playing game, Dragon Age. At the time, details were scarce. However, now the developer has divulged a bit more lore about the fantasy title.

Besides boasting that it would have the "tantalizing blend of the exploration and combat of Baldur’s Gate" and "the multi-player gameplay and community support of Neverwinter Nights," BioWare said Dragon Age will have separate multiplayer and single-player campaigns. As with other BioWare RPGs, gameplay will be party-based in both modes. But BioWare also said players can "participate in massive battles," meaning the game's tactical combat may be on a larger scale than most RPGs.

Dragon Age will also be based on an all-new engine and will ship with mod tools to let players create custom content.

GameSpot will have more details on Dragon Age as they become available.

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