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New Final Fantasy 12 Remaster Story Trailer Released

That character definitely makes a Hamlet reference.


Final Fantasy XII is getting a remaster this summer, and recently Square Enix published a video that highlights the game's narrative and improved cinematics.

For the remaster, titled Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, the developer has overhauled the visuals and sound; both of these improvements are on display in the trailer. A selection from the game's remastered soundtrack plays over scenes from its story. Check it out below.

In addition to graphical and audio changes, The Zodiac Age also adds a speed mode, auto saves, faster loading times, and a Trial Mode. It also includes the Zodiac Job System, originally featured in the Japanese-only release of Final Fantasy XII, that lets you choose two of twelve jobs to pursue.

Final Fantasy XII launched back in 2006 for PS2. If you're interested in reading more about it, you can check out our original review here.

The remaster launches on July 11 for PS4; you can see gameplay from it here.

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