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New Halo 5 Ranked Multiplayer Season Begins, Lets You Earn This Emblem

The January-February 2017 season has begun.


The newest Halo 5: Guardians multiplayer "season" is now underway.

As announced by the Halo Twitter channel, the January-February 2017 season has kicked off and you can earn the emblem below by completing your placement matches.

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You must complete 10 of the aforementioned placement matches to determine your Competitive Skill Rating (CSR) and unlock the emblem. There are seven CSR ranks, including Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Onyx, and Champion.

You can visit your Service Record page on Halo Waypoint to see your Ranked Arena playlist statistics for every season so far.

In other Halo news, developer 343 Industries has suggested that it could still fix Halo: The Master Chief Collection's lingering issues. Additionally, Halo boss Bonnie Ross has talked about how her team goes about innovating in the Halo series without losing the franchise's "core spirit."

What's more, Microsoft has confirmed that it was working on a Halo Mega Bloks game for Xbox 360, but it was only a prototype. Finally, 343 Industries boss Frank O'Connor teased Project Scorpio's specs, saying they are "beefier" than what he expected.

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