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New Heroes of Might and Magic expansion

3DO announces Heroes of Might and Magic IV: Winds of War, which will include new creatures, six campaigns, and fan-made maps.


3DO has announced that next spring it will release the second expansion pack for its turn-based strategy game Heroes of Might and Magic IV. The expansion pack will feature six new campaigns and a total of 40 maps, including some contest-winning fan-created single-scenario maps. The story-driven campaigns take place in Channon, a large kingdom on Axeoth's northern continent that has come under attack by no less than five invading armies. Players assume control of each of these five invaders.

Winds of War will also have three new fantasy creatures, new adventure objects, and a new soundtrack. The expansion will also add new features to the campaign editor, including a customizable object painter.

"With the breathtaking graphics and sophisticated storylines of Winds of War, we have continued the Heroes tradition," said Trip Hawkins, CEO of 3DO. "In this pack, players will enjoy hours of thrilling gameplay as they venture through six new campaigns and tinker with the new customization options."

Heroes of Might and Magic IV , the latest game in the venerable Might and Magic series, was released at the beginning of the year, and the first expansion for the game, Heroes of Might and Magic IV , was released in September.

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