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New Look: Chu-Chu Rocket

We get new screenshots of two of the upcoming Dreamcast games from Team Sonic.


We braved rain, cold weather, and a lot of wind to get you the latest scoop-o-rama on two brand-spankin'-new Dreamcast releases. Sonic Team's Chu-Chu Rocket is one of them, and Capcom's shoot 'em up, Giga Wing, is the other. We'll have hard-core first impressions for you tomorrow, but for now, here's a little taste and a pile of screenshots.

Chu-Chu Rocket is Sonic Team's latest and, possibly, most bizarre game yet. One of those "puzzle-type" games, Chu-Chu Rocket places on you the responsibility of herding a seemingly endless stream of mice into variously colored rockets in order to save them from hungry cats. While this may seem like a fairly bland game, the action is anything but. Moving at a nerve-fraying pace, Chu-Chu Rocket, when played with three other friends, is a surefire hit at any party. More on this sucker tomorrow after we spend a little more time with it. For now, check out the screenshots.

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