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New NHL 2003 screens

EA Sports releases new screenshots from its forthcoming hockey sequel on the PS2, Xbox, and GameCube.


The NHL series is celebrating its 10th year at the top with the release of the 2003 edition, and, unsurprisingly, the latest installment is looking like the best version of the game to date. Refinements to the highly playable 2002 version will include the ability for players to come up with their own dekes and improved goalie AI that will see goaltenders making spectacular saves on breakaways and rebounds, as well as one-handed desperation saves if they find themselves out of position.

The PS2 and Xbox versions of NHL 2003 are scheduled for release on September 23, and the GameCube version will arrive just a week later on October 1. European release dates for the game are three to four days later in each instance. For more information on NHL 2003, take a look at our previous coverage of the PS2 , PS2 , and PS2 versions of the game.

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