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New Pitfall Designer Diary

Project Director David Pass talks about the final game's final wrap-up.


In the final entry of the VGS exclusive Pitfall 3D: Beyond the Jungle Designer Diary, Project Director David Pass talks about the final game's final wrap-up.

"This is it, the crunch!" he writes. "We're very near the end, and we're spending every minute closing the bugs our quality assurance department has, tweaking the gameplay, and balancing the number of power-ups and extra lives. On top of this we're also working on the PAL version for European markets. It's frantic, and some people are not sleeping too much or too well, but all of our efforts are coming together and we're excited to wrap it up and put it out there"

For more information on the creation of the game and some new exclusive screenshots, head on into the Designer Diary.

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