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New screens: Elite Force Expansion

Take a look at Activision's upcoming expansion to the Star Trek: Voyager first-person shooter.


Activision sent us a playable build of its upcoming add-on to last year's first-person shooter Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force. We've captured a batch of screenshots from the build that show off the two new campaigns in the expansion pack. The first campaign is a holodeck mission set in the world of Captain Proton, a black and white 1950s-style sci-fi TV show. The other campaign takes you through an infiltration mission against Klingon insurgents. The expansion also includes 12 multiplayer maps, 2 holodeck mini-scenarios, and a treasure hunt game that lets you roam freely through the Voyager ship.

Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force Expansion Pack is currently in development at Raven Software, the studio that created the original game. For more information, take a look at our previous coverage of the game.

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