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New screens: O.R.B.

Strategy First releases new shots of its impressive-looking deep space strategy game.


This morning, we received 10 new screenshots of O.R.B. from Strategy First. The game, whose title stands for "off-world resource base," is a real-time strategy game set in outer space that looks very reminiscent of the 1999 hit Homeworld, even though Strategy First maintains that it's been in development since before Homeworld's inception. Finally nearing completion, O.R.B. puts players in the role of commander of one of two warring factions--an enlightened group of ideologists known as the Alyssians and a warlike society called the Malus.

As you can tell from these screenshots, the 3D technology behind O.R.B. is capable of rendering the vast expanses of space with plenty of detail, including nebulas, asteroid belts, and galaxy clusters, as well as plenty of ships. Additionally, each faction has about 20 different ships apiece, and they can all be customized with unique weapons, engines, and other technologies.

O.R.B. is scheduled for release in October. For more on the game, take a look at our previous coverage.

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