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NFL Blitz 99 In the Works

Midway preps the arcade update to its hit title NFL Blitz - and provides some unreleased codes for the current version of NFL Blitz.


Midway Games informed GameSpot News Wednesday that a new version of its arcade hit NFL Blitz is due out in time for the start of football season later this year.

Titled NFL Blitz 99, the game is slated to contain new rosters (including all of this year's rookie players), new codes, additional secret characters, double the number of plays, hidden plays, and flame mode. Flame mode kicks in when you get three sacks in a row; the entire defense then goes into a flaming power-up mode.

Midway wouldn't confirm word that the game will support four players at once, though sources tell us that this is in the works.

In related NFL Blitz news, Midway provided us with a number of previously unreleased codes that will work on the current version of the game (the 1.21 board).

Here they are:

RainTurbo button - 5 timesJump button - 5 timesPass button - 5 timesRight - Once

Invisible QuarterbackTurbo button - 2 timesJump button - 1 timePass button - 1 timeLeft - Once

No 1st DownsTurbo button - 2 timesJump button - 1 timePass button - 0 timesUp – Once

For more on NFL Blitz, see our preview of the upcoming N64 version of the game.

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