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No Dreamcast Resident Evil 2

Capcom decides not to bring Resident Evil 2 for the Dreamcast to the US. At least not anytime soon.


Capcom has informed GameSpot News that Resident Evil 2 will not be coming to the Dreamcast in the US, at least not anytime soon. A company spokesperson informed us that while "Capcom has not made any official statement regarding the release of Resident Evil 2 Dreamcast, I can tell you it is not in this year's fiscal year plan." The fiscal year ends March 31, 2000.

Resident Evil: Code Veronica for the Dreamcast is currently scheduled for a February release, so if the Dreamcast version of Resident Evil 2 is ever to see a US release, it would be after Code Veronica has had some good shelf time.

Capcom will make announcements for more US Dreamcast games following the 1999 holiday season.

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