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No Man's Sky Coming To Nintendo Switch This Summer

You can take the infinite reaches of space with you wherever you go later this year.


The space exploration game No Man's Sky is coming to Nintendo Switch. The port was announced during the Nintendo Direct presentation, with a trailer accenting its portability. It also promised that the Switch version will include the past five years of updates, which have radically altered and improved the game since the original release.

The trailer shows an explorer walking around both a planetary biome and a space station, interspersed with quick shots of other elements like space combat and riding on a moth-like creature.

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Now Playing: No Man's Sky - Official Frontiers Update Trailer

Developer Hello Games said that bringing it to Switch was a moonshot, since the procedurally generated nature of the game means the console has to create every element you see on-screen. The team says it will be revealing more leading up to launch, as it's optimizing everything from the UI to controls to feel at-home on the Switch.

No Man's Sky is a vast exploration game, which approximates the infinite nature of space by procedurally generating new planets and star systems. It had a notoriously rocky launch, with many players feeling it didn't deliver on its promise. But Hello Games didn't give up on the game, having spent the five years since release expanding and improving it with various updates to both its technical performance and the wealth of things to do. Now it's regarded as one of the games to have had the most dramatic turnaround since launch.

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