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Nyko Wing controller hands-on

Nyko had a small press event here in San Francisco to show off the new Nyko Wing wireless controller for the Wii. Nyko designed the Wing for Virtual Console games--think of it as a wireless alternative to the Wii Classic Controller. The Wing shares a similar button and analog stick layout with the...


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Nyko had a small press event here in San Francisco to show off the new Nyko Wing wireless controller for the Wii. Nyko designed the Wing for Virtual Console games--think of it as a wireless alternative to the Wii Classic Controller. The Wing shares a similar button and analog stick layout with the Classic Controller, but Nyko moved the Z buttons closer to the shoulder buttons to make them easier to reach.

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The Wing controller feels surprisingly light in hand.I could hardly feel the weight of the controller when I picked it up. The D pad on the prototype controller we tried felt a little slick, but Nyko's Chris Arbogast assured me that the final D pad will have a textured surface and sit higher for extra responsiveness. The gamepad uses two AAA batteries can which provide up to 30 hours of battery life. If you install rechargeable batteries into the Wing, you can recharge the controller with a mini-USB cable.

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The other half of the Wing controller is a small wireless transmitter that connects to the bottom of the Wii remote. The Wing transmitter is an inch long, about the same size as the wireless transmitter included with the Nyko Kama.

The Wing looks like a great option for Wii Virtual Console players looking for a wireless gamepad. Nyko will be shipping the Wing this October for $29.

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