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Overwatch 2 Released In October With New Hero Junker Queen, Will Be Free-To-Play

Blizzard's new shooter launches October 4 on Xbox consoles and PC.


Overwatch 2, or at least the PvP for Overwatch 2, finally has a release date, and it's coming to all supported systems simultaneously. As revealed during the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase, Overwatch 2 will hit PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch in early access on October 2. Additionally, the game will come with a new playable hero, the Junker Queen.

In the brief footage showing off the hero during the showcase, it looks like we can expect a new tank-hero, equipped with a punch-packing shotgun and a large, two-handed axe for some melee power as well.

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Now Playing: Overwatch 2 - Official Free 2 Play Release Date Trailer

For those up to date on their Overwatch lore, you'll recognize the Mad Max-esque villain from her appearance in Wrecking Ball's origin story video and from quips made by Junkrat and Roadhog. She serves as the ruler of Junkertown and oversees the Scrapyard, an arena where Junkertown's best and perhaps-not-the-brightest fight to the death in hopes of achieving glory. Junker Queen is the 34th character to enter the fray in Overwatch.

Blizzard plans to show off more of Overwatch 2 later this week, as an Overwatch event took place June 16 and included info on the next beta.

Over the last year, both Blizzard and parent company Activision Blizzard have been dealing with allegations of sexual harassment and discrimination, as well as lawsuits centered around these issues. Meanwhile, Microsoft is in the process of attempting to acquire Activision Blizzard.

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