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Overwatch Pros Fined $1000 Over Inappropriate Chat Behavior

Two players in the Overwatch League have faced fines after their team chat was revealed during a match stream.


The Overwatch League, the face of pro gaming in Overwatch, has issued fines to two players for writing inappropriate messages during a match, unaware that the team chat was visible to match viewers. Los Angeles Valiant member Jung-won "Lastro" Mun and San Francisco Shock's Dong-jun "Rascal" Kim have been the recipients of $1000 fines, as reported by The Loadout.

Both fines are listed on the Overwatch League Player Discipline Tracker as cases of "inappropriate chat" during a match over several immature messages. Lastro typed "sex" and "big dick", which Rascal followed with "big dick" and characters that (very loosely) approximate the shape of a penis.

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You can see their chat, including the moment where their teammates let them know that the chat is visible on stream, in the tweet below.

Lastro has since apologized for the incident on Twitter, explaining that he did not realize that the chat could be seen by viewers.

For what its worth, it seems that LA Valiant teammate McGravy is taking it in his stride.

Overwatch recently added a new hero called Echo. They will be the last new character added before the upcoming Overwatch 2, which does not have a set release date yet.

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