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PC-Exclusive Sandbox RPG Portal Knights Coming to Steam

Customisable classes, farming, and boss fights are some of the things Portal Knights will include.


Payday 2 and Sniper Elite 3 publisher 505 Games has announced a new IP. The sandbox role-game is named Portal Knights, and will be released on PC via Steam Early Access from February 25. A brand new IP, the game will offer a single-player mode and a co-operative multi-player mode which supports four players.

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Portal Knights will offer three classes: Warrior, Mage, and Ranger, all with a "multitude" of customisation options for appearance, abilities, and gear. These can be "continually enhanced throughout the game." In-game environments are randomly generated and filled with treasures to uncover and resources to mine.

The game will feature boss battles against Portal Guardians, which take place in arenas. Players will also be able to construct a stronghold to show off their treasures, and plant farms to harvest crops from.

Portal Knights is being developed by Keen Games, who most recently worked on TNT Racers: Nitro Machines Editions for the Wii U. Check out some screenshots of Portal Knights in the gallery above.

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