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PC MMO WildStar Closing For Good In November, Refunds Available

Carbine's colourful and stylish PC MMO is coming to an end.


WildStar developer Carbine Studios is shutting down, and as part of this, the game is also coming to an end. Today, Carbine announced exactly when the shutdown will occur.

WildStar will end on November 28, 2018, Carbine announced in a blog post. "It's never easy to say goodbye to something, especially something that has meant so much for so many," the studio said. "It has been our great privilege to share those adventures with all of you over the last four years."

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The studio added that its ambition for WildStar was to make "something special that presented a different kind of MMORPG experience." Carbine said it was happy with the game it launched back in 2014, but unfortunately it failed to find a big enough audience.

Carbine has disabled the ability to spend real money in WildStar, while refunds for real-money purchases made since July 1, 2018 are available. You can read more about the refund process here on WildStar's website.

To help the remaining WildStar players have the best time possible between now and the shutdown, Carbine updated the game today to make it more enjoyable and accessible. The update gives all players Signature status, while gear drops have their base level increased. Additionally, all seasonal store items are now available to purchase with in-game credit. Additionally, WildStar will offer a number of in-game events faster than normal, starting today with an event that offers double XP and more.

Be sure to read the full "Signing Off" blog post to get all the important details on WildStar's forthcoming shutdown.

"We are truly grateful for the vibrant community that grew around WildStar, and for all of your support throughout the life of this game," Carbine said. "Our hope is that in these last couple months we can all celebrate the great adventures you've had on Planet Nexus--and have some fun along the way."

"Again, a most heartfelt thank you goes out from all of us to you for sharing this wild, intergalactic ride with us, and to helping make WildStar an experience that truly could not have been possible without you. Thank you."

50 people are losing their jobs as part of Carbine's closure.

WildStar launched with a subscription-based business model before switching to free-to-play as part of a major update in 2015. The studio was working on and hiring for "a number of exciting new projects," but that's all over now.

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