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People's Choice Best of 2012 - Round One!

Round 1 People's Choice voting has begun! But you'll have to act fast, because there is only a short time to nominate your choice for the next round.


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After the great 2012 GameSpot Seeding, we have our pairings for People's Choice for Game of the Year 2012. What do you have to look forward to? Matches like Spelunky vs. Guild Wars II, Minecraft vs. Halo 4, Mass Effect 3 vs. SSX, and much more! Head over to the People's Choice page to submit your votes and make your voice heard!

Here is the lineup for People's Choice voting:
Round 1A Dec. 7 - Dec. 11
Round 2 Dec. 15 - Dec. 19
Sweet 16 Dec. 19 - Dec. 22
Elite 8 Dec. 22 - Dec. 24
The Finals Dec. 26 - Dec. 29

You have only a limited time to vote for your favorites, so hurry!

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