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PES Will Overtake FIFA in a Couple Years, Konami Says

"But we have to convince a lot of people."


It won't be long until Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer franchise overtakes EA's FIFA series to become the industry leader in the professional soccer game space. That's according to PES European manager Adam Bhatti, who says in a new interview that PES is on pace to become the new king in the next couple of years.

"We're definitely catching up with FIFA," Bhatti told MCV. "And we have to be respectful about that. We have to keep closing that gap. In a couple of years we'll clearly lead again. But we have to convince a lot of people."

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Bhatti went on to say that some things are out of its direct control, including obviously the FIFA name and license, as well as rights for numerous stadiums and tournaments. "But in terms of presentation [and] visuals, we want to be industry-leading," he added.

One of the biggest differences between PES 2016 and FIFA 16 this year is that FIFA 16 has women's teams, marking the first time in franchise history they have been included. For more on the differences between PES 2016 and FIFA 16, check out the video above.

You can see the differences for yourself through the PES 2016 and FIFA 16 demos available now. The full PES 2016 launched on September 15, while FIFA 16 arrives September 22. EA Access members, meanwhile, can play FIFA 16 right now.

GameSpot's PES 2016 review scored the game a 9/10. "PES 2016 represents the best game in the series since the PlayStation 2 era," reviewer Rob Crossley wrote.

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