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Originally announced at this year's Leipzig Games Convention, PlayTV is Sony's attempt to turn the PlayStation 3 into a personal video recorder like TiVo. The device has yet to receive an official price or release date, but earlier today UK retailer was listing PlayTV as available on March...


Originally announced at this year's Leipzig Games Convention, PlayTV is Sony's attempt to turn the PlayStation 3 into a personal video recorder like TiVo. The device has yet to receive an official price or release date, but earlier today UK retailer was listing PlayTV as available on March 28 with a price of £99.99 (about $196).

While an official price and release date have not yet been announced by Sony, it appears someone at jumped the gun, and the site has subsequently replaced the details with "coming soon."

A spokesperson for said that the lack of official information from Sony was the reason behind the removal of preorders on the site. As no announcements have been made on price or release at this time, the retailer said it would rather suspend preorders than disappoint customers.

PlayTV will enable PS3 owners to watch, record, pause, and rewind live TV simultaneously in standard and high definition. It will also support PS3-to-PSP video streaming and a seven-day electronic programming guide (EPG).

Sony could not be reached for comment as of press time.

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