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Playing EGG - Elemental Gimmick Gear

Hudson Soft pushes ahead to create Dreamcast RPG.


While Hudson Soft (Bomberman, Bloody Roar, and Kita He) is not usually known for its RPGs, it hopes to change that notion with one of the Dreamcast's first "real" RPGs. Known in Japan as EGG or Elemental Gimmick Gear, you take control of a steam-powered mech (Sakura Wars anyone?) known as your EGG and take part in an action-RPG with beautiful sprite-based graphics and fully polygonal 3D battle scenes.

Originally planned as an RPG for the Saturn, EGG wound up being coded for the Dreamcast instead, since the prototype hardware was released to developers around that time. Featuring graphics as lush, detailed, and immersive as Saga Frontier 2, EGG switches from overhead 2D bitmaps to 3D battle sequences much in the way Shining Force 3 did on the Saturn. With the fledgling Dreamcast lineup thin on RPGs (Evolution and Climax Landers), EGG would make a great addition to Sega's fall lineup. Almost every other quality title has been announced for US release, so why shouldn't EGG? While no publisher has been announced, we hope someone will wise up and grab this attractive little title.

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