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Playing Shutokou Battle

Tokyo Highway Battle sequel leaves its PlayStation roots for new turf on the Dreamcast.


Another "defector" to Sega, Japanese development house Genki (Jade Cocoon), also known as the development team behind the DC version of Virtua Fighter 3tb, will release the sequel to Tokyo Highway Battle for the PlayStation as Shutokou Battle for the Dreamcast. Running at 60fps, in hi-res with all sorts of nice effects going on (simulated specular-highlighting, headlights, etc.)

Shutokou Battle keeps the concept of the first game: You race an opponent through crowded city highways in the hopes of beating him to the finish line, where the winner takes the spoils. The analog control is a little too loose in the early stages, but let's hope this changes after better cars are obtained. Being published in the US by Crave Entertainment, Shutokou Battle also offers Internet support; with any luck it will retain this feature once the game lands in the US.

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