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Pocket Card Jockey Coming To Apple Arcade

The 3DS game is getting a new subtitle, Ride On, and 3D racing segments.


Originally released on Nintendo 3DS, cult classic Pocket Card Jockey will find new pasture on Apple Arcade on January 20. Developer Game Freak is bringing the game--which combines horse racing with Solitaire--to the subscription service with a new subtitle and upgraded visuals.

Pocket Card Jockey: Ride On will feature new 3D racing segments, according to Game Freak. The developer is best known for creating and working on the Pokemon franchise. Beyond the enhanced graphics, the studio stated "the basic rules are the same" in a press release. Though keep in mind there won't be a dual-screen setup like the original as well.

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Playing better at the Solitaire portions of Pocket Card Jockey will benefit their steed's mood and momentum. There are also special cards on the race tracks to improve a horse, and players can even breed new foals. This new version of the game will include online leaderboards through Game Center too.

A trademark application for the game was spotted about a month ago. At the time, there was the thought Pocket Card Jockey might be receiving a sequel. This remaster is important because Nintendo is shutting down the 3DS eShop later this year. That means the original Pocket Card Jockey will be impossible to purchase soon since it's available only in a digital format for 3DS.

The App Store says Pocket Card Jockey: Ride On will be a 563.9 MB download. The game will be compatible on Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, and Apple TV. This is part of a slate of January games for Apple Arcade, which also includes Episode XOXO on January 6; Illustrated on January 13; and Squiggle Drop on January 27.

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