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Prince of Persia 2 Update

We unveil an exclusive, new trailer that sheds some more light on the prince's latest adventure.


Ubisoft's follow-up to last year's Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, the tentatively titled Prince of Persia 2, is aiming to keep the momentum going that started with 2003's revival of the classic adventure franchise. The sequel ties in with its predecessor and revolves around the repercussions of the Prince's mucking with time. It seems that all his time-bending has carried a hefty price, and death is coming to collect. This is resulting in a darker tone for the game and some very impressive new gameplay elements.

The prince is back with a slew of new moves. Click "Stream for Free" for higer resolution.

Although Ubisoft has been pretty cagey about giving out details on the game, the new trailer shows off a good chunk of what to expect. Given how integral puzzles are to the franchise and how they figured into last year's game in conjunction with the prince's time powers, it's no surprise that the trailer shows off a hefty amount of puzzle action. Even though playing with time is what got the prince into this mess, he'll need the ability to make it past the new puzzles seen in the trailer.

Another element from last year's game that's making a return with a vengeance is combat. However, in response to criticism about the somewhat simplistic system used in Sands of Time, POP2 will feature an all-new fighting system. The new free-form fighting system is much more dynamic than the old system and lets you create your own unique ways of kicking ass. Aside from having a new array of punches, kicks, and stabs, the prince will be able to make use of his environment and his momentum to add to his attacks. For example, you can swing around a pillar and use your momentum to help tag anything unfortunate enough to be within range of your sword. The system lends itself to a good and deadly array of combos that will come in handy when dealing with the plethora of new foes you'll encounter in the game. If you don't want to be fancy, it's also possible to just strangle your foe, as we see the prince do in one of the montages. Combat will also creep into places you may not want it to--as evidenced by the prince's attempt to cross a narrow beam while being hassled by some foes--which should ensure some challenging times ahead. The trailer also shows off another boss from the game, a rather unpleasant-looking griffon--you'll need to put some thought into engaging him. Onscreen life meters should come in handy for helping you pace yourself.

In addition to all the improvements to the gameplay, the game is looking better than its predecessor, with its fluid animation, impressive design, and an enhanced graphics engine. Prince of Persia 2 is currently slated to ship this fall for the GameCube, PC, PlayStation 2, and Xbox. Look for more on the game in the coming months.

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