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Prince of Persia rocks on

Ubi Soft promotes the musical talent connected with the next Prince of Persia game.


In-game music, sound effects, and the music that accompanies the promotional assets of a game are no longer an afterthought in the game industry.

Most sophisticated publishers have noticed that music not only enhances the experience of playing games, but it can add to the title's marketing push, it can sway unsure consumers, and, of course, it can secure additional press coverage.

Today, Ubi Soft made note of three musical contributors to its upcoming Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time release.

Stuart Chatwood, of Tea Party, will provide in-game music, sound effects will come from a collaboration with Oscar-winning sound design studio DaneTracks, and Jason Bentley and DJ Melo-D will contribute to the commercial and trailer tracks.

Of particular note is the fact that Bentley supervised the music and produced the soundtrack for The Matrix.

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