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PS2 56K Modem in 2001

Sun Denshi plans to release a 56kbps modem for the PS2 in 2001.


Sun Denshi, the parent company of the Japanese software company SunSoft, announced today it will release a 56k "OnlineStation" modem for the Sony PlayStation 2 console. The modem will be plugged into the USB port of the PS2 and will not require its own power source. This will allow for multiplayer network play under a low-bandwidth. For example, games like mahjong can be played on the PS2 using the OnlineStation. The set will include an Internet browser and e-mail software as well. Middleware software will also be distributed to third-party companies for the development of games that are compatible with the modem.

OnlineStation is scheduled for release in January 2001 for a price of less than 10,000 yen (US$92.25). Take note that this is not an officially licensed product of Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE). SCE is planning to release its own modem for the PS2 sometime in 2001.

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