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PS4, PS3, and Xbox 360 Get Dragon Age: Inquisition's First DLC

Jaws of Hakkon now available on new platforms.


Dragon Age: Inquisition's first major paid expansion, Jaws of Hakkon, is now available on new platforms. Following its release in March for Xbox One and PC, the expansion can now be purchased on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and Xbox 360 for $15.

The content was released in March first on Xbox One and PC by way of an exclusivity arrangement between Microsoft and BioWare studio owner Electronic Arts.

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Set in an overgrown wilderness populated by the Avvar hunter people, the content sees players exploring an "ancient Tevinter fortress that hides a dangerous secret."

Gamers can also expect to face off against new enemies, and amass new legendary armor and weapons. Jaws of Hakkon concludes with a battle against an "ancient god of war bent on destroying the world."

In GameSpot's 7/10 Jaws of Hakkon review, critic Austin Walker praised its new perspective on the Dragon Age lore and its gorgeous and varied environments. But Walker also wrote that Jaws of Hakkon lacks the cinematic storytelling of the base game, and notes that a few missions can be boring.

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