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PSA: Last Chance to Get Free Halo 5 15th Anniversary DLC

Grab your Req pack now before it's gone.


To celebrate Halo's 15th anniversary earlier this month, developer 343 Industries launched a special Halo 5 Req pack containing items themed around the occasion.

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This Req pack will only be available until November 22, so now is your last chance to claim it. Doing so is easy, as all you have to do is log into the game to pick it up.

The Halo 5 15th Anniversary Req pack contains the following items:

  • Mark IV Armor & Helmet
  • 4 SPNKRs
  • 4 CE Magnums
  • 4 Halo 2 Beam Rifles

What's your favorite Halo memory from the past 15 years? Let us know in the comments below!

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