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Psygnosis Accelerates Racing Games

Wipeout XL and Formula 1 will support a number of 3-D cards and include audio enhancements.


Psygnosis today announced it's releasing 3-D accelerated versions of PC titles Formula 1 and Wipeout XL 3D. Both titles will take advantage of Microsoft's Direct3D technology and 3-D cards and are optimized for faster processing computers - the recommended machine is a P133 with 16MB of RAM.

Formula 1 races on Diamond Monster 3D and Orchid Righteous 3D accelerator cards and includes support for 3D Labs' Permedia, the Matrox Mystique, and cards with the Rendition Verite chipset (including Creative Labs' 3D Blaster PCI, Intergraph Intense 3D, Canopus Total 3D, and Sierra Screamin' 3D).

Wipeout XL supports the same cards, plus 3Dfx-based cards through Direct3D and NEC/Videologic PowerVR 3D technology. Both games will also include audio enhancements like Dolby Surround Sound and Q-Sound.

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