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ReCore's Lengthy Load Times Being Reduced in New Xbox One Update

The update arrives sometime this week.


There have been many complaints about the long load times in the Xbox One version of ReCore. A new update coming soon aims to resolve that issue, though we don't yet know how effective it will be at doing so.

"[W]e want you to know that we've been listening closely, and the number one thing you've mentioned you'd like to see improvements on is load times," reads a post on ReCore's official website. "We heard you, we appreciate your patience, and we have good news!"

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An update for the Xbox One version of the game is on the way this week "that will improve load times" on Xbox One and Xbox One S. While load times would vary depending on what hard drive it's installed on, there were no specifics whatsoever shared regarding what kind of improvements we can expect.

"Keep in mind, some areas may continue to take more time than expected to load because they are larger zones, but we hope this update improves your overall experience traveling through Far Eden," the post adds.

Load times were one of the issues brought up in our review of ReCore, though they weren't the only thing holding it back.

ReCore was a collaboration between Armature Studio (founded by some of the team responsible for Metroid Prime) and Comcept (led by former Mega Man producer Keiji Inafune). It was released earlier this month on Xbox One and PC as an Xbox Play Anywhere title, allowing you to buy a digital copy and receive access on both platforms.

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