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New Stranger Things Game Lets You Relive The '80s

Pixel art adventure game releases ahead of the TV show's season 2 premiere.


The second season of Stranger Things comes out on Netflix this month, but you don't have to wait that long to get back into the series. An official Stranger Things game is now out for free on iOS and Android devices, and it's dripping in show lore and '80s nostalgia.

The pixelated, retro-inspired side scroller puts you in the shoes of Hopper and the Stranger Things kids. You travel around Hawkins, Indiana and other locations from the show, dodging and battling enemies and solving puzzles to advance. Developer BonusXP says each character has their own unique abilities. For example, Lucas can nail anything with his Wrist Rocket and Nancy has an entire collection of bats to swing.

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In addition to exploring and solving mysteries, you're also tasked with collecting Eggos and Gnomes. While Stranger Things: The Game is completely free (with no microtransactions), collecting these items will unlock more of the game. You can also speed run levels to try to beat other players' times on leaderboards and on social media.

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You can get Stranger Things: The Game on the App Store and Google Play. Season 2 of the show premieres on Netflix on October 27, and you can check out our story if you want to get a sneak peek at some of the latest images of the show. There's also a short teaser trailer, released during the Super Bowl. Stranger Things has already been renewed for a third season.

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