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Resident Evil 6 getting free online service

Web-based will track various in-game statistics like weapon proficiency and types of enemies killed; Capcom also planning themed challenges.


Resident Evil 6 will launch this October with a free Web-based statistic tracking service called, Capcom announced today. The free website tracks various data pulled from the new shooter, including proficiency with weapons, types of enemies killed, and Mercenaries mode scores.

How many headshots did you accrue in RE6? Now there's a way to find out.
How many headshots did you accrue in RE6? Now there's a way to find out.

Additionally, will allow users to compare their progress with those across the world and to take part in online challenge events. One example Capcom provided was a challenge that tasks gamers with killing 10,000 zombies. Those with a account can take part in the challenge, and stand to receive points that can be redeemed for a "variety of goodies" like in-game costumes.

Gamers can also link their accounts with social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter to receive real-time notifications when a score is broken.

Resident Evil 6 joins the likes of the Call of Duty, Battlefield, and Halo franchises in offering a Web-based statistics tracking service. The official website is now live, though it is not yet functional.

Resident Evil 6 will deploy on October 2, more than a month ahead of its original November 20 release date. It is currently planned for release on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC.

For more on Resident Evil 6, check out GameSpot's latest preview.

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