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Resident Evil: Code Veronica

Resident Evil: Code Veronica (called Biohazard: Code Veronica in Japan) is set three months after the end of Resident Evil 2, with the player once again controlling Claire Redfield.


As was first reported in GameSpot News, Resident Evil: Code Veronica (called Biohazard: Code Veronica in Japan) is set three months after the end of Resident Evil 2, with the player once again controlling Claire Redfield. After flying to Europe to investigate the disappearance of her brother Chris, Claire is abducted and taken to an isolated tropical island where some familiar rotting friends once again start popping up.

Veronica features a significant break with previous titles in the series - all the backgrounds are now done in full polygons, allowing the camera to move, following the action and a first-person view. There are also possible environmental changes, such as collapsing ceilings or toppling pillars. Veronica also makes use of the special effects of the Dreamcast hardware, like dramatic lighting and shadow and characters with skin so you don't see the jagged polygon edges. Imagine the detail on that. Watch the guerilla video footage from TGS for a look at it in motion.

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