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Rock Band 4: This Week's DLC Tracks Revealed

"Uptown Girl" and "Hemorrhage (In My Hands)" are available for $2 each.


It's a new week, which means more songs are being added to the Rock Band 4 DLC store.

Two new songs are coming for the week of July 18, including Billy Joel's famous track, "Uptown Girl," as well as Fuel's "Hemorrhage (In My Hands)." While there are plenty of existing Billy Joel songs in the Rock Band Music Store, "Hemorrhage (In My Hands)" represents Fuel's first track ever for Rock Band.

"Uptown Girl" is no walk in the park for singers, as you'll probably remember it has some intricate vocal harmony sequences. Meanwhile, "Hemorrhage (In My Hands)" offers up an open hi-hat pattern for drummers to rock out to.

The new songs are available for $2 each.

2016 is poised to be a big year for Rock Band 4. The game is getting its first paid expansion pack and a new Jaguar guitar this fall. The expansion comes with music library improvements including the ability to filter by genre and rate songs, while the new guitar can fold in half.

Looking further out, Harmonix will update Rock Band 4 this holiday to add support for online multiplayer. Additionally, Harmonix recently signed a licensing deal extension with iconic guitar company Fender that's good through 2027.

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